Trauma Screening
In Children & Adolescents
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Unrecognized and untreated child traumatic stress can lead to the development of trauma-related symptoms. These symptoms can persist and worsen over time, making it critical to identify them early. Trauma screening in child service systems, such as child welfare and juvenile justice (SAMSHA, 2014), is one way to identify children and adolescents with trauma symptoms and improve access to evidence-based treatments. Trauma screening by frontline workers helps identify youth who need further assessment and possible intervention, inform service planning, create structure to discuss a child’s welfare, and sustain trauma informed systems (Lang, et al., 2017).
Trauma Screening
in North Dakota
Researchers at the University of Minnesota Ambit Network have developed a brief trauma screen called the University of Minnesota’s Traumatic Stress Screen for Children and Adolescents (TSSCA) to be used by frontline workers across child serving systems. TCTY has collaborated with the Ambit Network and organizations and agencies throughout the state to implement the TSSCA in child serving systems in North Dakota.
Trauma Screening
in North Dakota
Researchers at the University of Minnesota Ambit Network have developed a brief trauma screen called the University of Minnesota’s Traumatic Stress Screen for Children and Adolescents (TSSCA) to be used by frontline workers across child serving systems. TCTY has collaborated with the Ambit Network and organizations and agencies throughout the state to implement the TSSCA in child serving systems in North Dakota.
Training Structure
This training has a pre-test quiz and 6 videos with a short post-test quiz after each video. The videos should be completed in order:
- The Reality of Trauma
- The Need and Purpose of Trauma
- Screening
- Administering the TSSCA
- Scoring the TSSCA
- Understanding the Results & Next Steps
All sections will need to be completed within 90 days in order to obtain CEUs.
Training Structure
This training has a pre-test quiz and 6 videos with a short post-test quiz after each video. The videos should be completed in order:
- The Reality of Trauma
- The Need and Purpose of Trauma
- Screening
- Administering the TSSCA
- Scoring the TSSCAUnderstanding the Results & Next Steps
All sections will need to be completed within 90 days in order to obtain CEUs.
Trauma Screening
The University of Minnesota’s Traumatic Stress Screen for Children and Adolescents (TSSCA) is designed to provide clinicians, caseworkers, educators, and other staff with a tool for screening children and adolescents (ages 5-18 years) that have or may have experienced a traumatic event and are in need of services.
Education Credits
Education credits are approved by their perspective boards for the following disciplines:
- North Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners
- North Dakota State Board of Psychologist Examiners
- North Dakota Board of Counselors
- North Dakota Board of Addiction Counseling Examiners
- North Dakota Marriage and Family Therapy Board
Education Credits
Education credits are approved by their perspective boards for the following disciplines:
- North Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners
- North Dakota State Board of Psychologist Examiners
- North Dakota Board of Counselors
- North Dakota Board of Addiction Counseling Examiners
- North Dakota Marriage and Family Therapy Board
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